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ITS Partner was founded in 2006 and specializes in IT Service Management ( ITSM ) and Business Service Management ( BSM ) training and consulting with a focus on ITIL best practices.
In cooperation with Flevy – Marketplace for Premium Business Documents we are offering some business documents and templates that could be usefule in your ITIL /ITSM projects and Workshops/Presentations. For further details visit our web shop …
Our distinctive contribution to the promotion of ITIL v3 is our ITIL Service Lifecycle Poster. The first version of the poster was issued in 2011 , and within a few years of its existence, the poster has found its place on the walls of many organizations word wide. Poster was accompanied by several articles in international publications ( e.g. In Article itSMF International Magazine “At your Service”). Newest version of the poster can be purchased in our shop, while the version of the poster from 2014, we give for a free download:
ITIL poster, version 2014, FREE DOWNLOAD
In our projects we use global best practices and standards, but also recognize and acknowledge the particularities of organization itself . The satisfaction of our customers is always our top priority.
Our approach is individual and different!
Ivana Nissen